Adafactor: Adaptive Learning Rates with Sublinear Memory Cost

自從GPT、BERT等pre-train流行起來後,其中一個明顯的趨勢是model越做越大,因為更大的model配合更充分的pre-train通常能更有效地刷榜,以下是一些範例模型大小。 VGG最大版本有1.3億參數 GPT2最大的版本有15億參數 T5最大的版本有110億參數

tags: paper explore


For the case of neural network weight matrices:

  1. We propose maintaining only the per-row and per-column sums of these moving averages, and estimating the per-parameter second moments based on these sums. We demonstrate empirically that this method produces similar results to the baseline.
  2. We show that adaptive methods can produce larger-than-desired updates when the decay rate of the second moment accumulator is too slow. We propose update clipping and a gradually increasing decay rate scheme as remedies. (and dropping momentum)
  3. We propose scaling the parameter updates based on the scale of the parameters themselves.

A Brief Review of Optimizer

SGD-準確率梯度下降法 (stochastic gradient decent)

SGD 也就是最單純的gradient decent 方法,找出參數的梯度,往梯度的方向去更新參數。 ,with W 為權重(weight)參數,L 為損失函數(loss function), η 是學習率(learning rate)


此優化器為模擬動量的概念,在同方向的維度上學習速度會變快,方向改變的時候學習速度會變慢。 ,with β為參數


前面幾種Optimizer的learning rate η,都為固定值,而AdaGrad就是會依照梯度去調整 η ,with ϵ 極小參數


AdaGrad後期梯度較大的時候,n較大,能夠約束學習率,但分母上梯度平方的累加會越來越大,會使梯度趨近於0,訓練便會結束,為了防止這個情況,後面有開發出 RMSprop Optimizer,在學習率調整上面多了一個參數α,可以在新舊梯度上面做調節 ,with α 為參數


Adam 保留了 Momentum 對過去梯度的方向做梯度速度調整與RMSProp對過去梯度的平方值做learning rate的調整,再加上Adam有做參數的”偏離校正”,使得每一次的學習率都會有個確定的範圍,會讓參數的更新較為平穩(by Exponential Moving Average)。

計算量和記憶體的大頭肯定都是在gradient;除此之外,記憶體的消耗主要是m , v了,我們要維護兩組變量,來滑動計算梯度的前兩階矩(也就是m和v),用以計算參數的更新量。這兩組變量每一組都跟訓練參數本身一樣大,因此對於參數比較多的模型,兩組緩存變量所消耗的顯存也不少。


  1. No Momentum:


  2. Factored Second Moment Estimation Low-rank approximation matrices \(AB \approx C\) ,where $A$ is $m \times 1$, $B$ is $1 \times n$, $C$ is $m \times n$
    • This is known to give the optimal projection onto the space of rank-k matrices with respect to the Frobenius norm. (x)
  • Another popular cost function in the literature is the generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence,also known as the I-divergence.(o)
    1. Increasing Decay Parameter: In Adam: Proposed Alternative: with 0<$c$<1 (c = 0.8 in Adafactor default)
  1. Update Clipping Reddi et al. (2018) discuss non-convergence issues when using a fast decay of the second-moment estimator (low β2).

observe the root-mean-square over all parameters x for second-moment estimator We define the clipped unscaled update $\tilde{U}_{t}$ as:

  1. Relative Step Size get multiplied by the scale of the parameters

Adafactor Algorithm


BLEU:bilingual evaluation understudy visual result

ref : **Adfactor ** Adam: