Mask TextSpotter v3: Segmentation Proposal Network for Robust Scene Text Spotting

ECCV 2020 Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Xiang Bai), China & Facebook AI, USA github:

Mask TextSpotter V1 是第一篇可以完全 end-to-end 的 ocr 論文 雖然在V1之前有兩篇 text spotter 方面的論文,但是訓練起來不能完全的 end-to-end,通常是分開訓練 detection 和 recognition 後再聯合訓練,或者是先訓練 detection 後再加入 recognition 一起訓練。 Mask-TextSpotter V2 基於空間 attention 的方式進行識別 與 V1 相比, V2 的主要改進是在識別部分,在 V1 中識別是對單個字符的識別。V2 中提出了SAM(Spatial Attention Module),採用了基於空間 attention 的方式進行識別。 Mask-TextSpotter V3 採用 Segmentation Proposal Network (SPN) 更加精確的得到文本行特徵 前兩版的都是基於mask-rcnn的,它們對於密集的傾斜文本和長文本效果不好,主要是因為 1.預先設定的 anchor box 無法滿足長寬比很大的文本行;2.當文本密集時,一個矩形框中會包含多個文本行。




  • RPN relies heavily on manually designed anchors and its proposals are represented with axis-aligned rectangles.

  • The former presents difficulties in handling text instances of extreme aspect ratios or irregular shapes, and the latter often includes multiple neighboring instances into a single proposal, in cases of densely oriented text.

  • To tackle these problems, we propose Mask TextSpotter v3, an end-to-end trainable scene text spotter that adopts a Segmentation Proposal Network (SPN) instead of an RPN.


Mask TextSpotter v3 consists of:

  • a ResNet-50 backbone, a Segmentation Proposal Network (SPN) for proposal generation,
  • a text instance segmentation module for accurate detection,
  • a Fast R-CNN module for refining proposals,
  • a character segmentation module and a spatial attentional module for recognition.


Segmentation proposal network
  • our proposed SPN adopts a U-Net structure to make it robust to scales.
  • SPN generates proposals from segmentation masks, predicted from a fused feature map $F$ that concatenates feature maps of various receptive fields.
  • $F$ is of size $\dfrac{H}{4} × \dfrac{W}{4}$ , where H and W are the height and width of the input image respectively.
  • The predicted text segmentation map $S$ is of size $1× H ×W$, whose values are in the range of $[0, 1]$.
Segmentation label generation
  • Inspired by Wang et al. and DB, we adopt the offset polygon to shrink the text regions by clipping $d$ pixels.
  • The offset pixels d can be determined as $d = A(1 − r^{2} )/L$, where $A$ and $L$ are the area and perimeter of the polygon that represents the text region, and $r$ is the shrink ratio, which we empirically set to $0.4$.


Proposal generation
  • Given a text segmentation map, $S$, whose values are in the range of $[0, 1]$, we first binarize $S$ into a binary map $B$: Here, $i$ and $j$ are the indices of the segmentation or binary map and $t$ is set to $0.5$.

  • We dilate them by un-clipping $d$ pixels, where $d$ is calculated as $d = A × r/ L$. Here, $A$ and $L$ are the area and perimeter of the predicted shrunk text regions. $r$ is set to $3.0$ according to the value of the shrink ratio $r$.

Hard RoI masking
  • Qin et al. proposed RoI masking which multiplies the mask probability map and the RoI feature, where the mask probability map is generated by a Mask R-CNN detection module.
  • Hard RoI masking multiplies binary polygon masks with the RoI features to suppress background noise or neighboring text instances.
  • The polygon masks $M$ can be easily generated by filling the polygon proposal region with 1 while setting the values outside the polygon to 0.
  • Assuming that $R_{0}$ is the RoI feature and $M$ is the polygon mask, the masked RoI feature $R$ can be calculated as $R = R_{0} ∗ M$, where $∗$ indicates element-wise multiplication.
  • The loss function $L$ is defined as below: $L_{s}$ indicates the SPN loss. $L_{rcnn}$ is defined in Fast R-CNN. $L_{mask}$ is defined in Mask TextSpotter v2, consisting of a text instance segmentation loss, a character segmentation loss, and a spatial attentional decoder loss.

    $L_{mask}$ in Mask TextSpotter v2: sequence recognition loss $L_{seq}$ in

  • We adopt dice loss for SPN. Assuming that $S$ and $G$ are the segmentation map and the target map, the segmentation loss $L_{s}$ can be calculated as: where $I$ and $U$ indicate the intersection and union of the two maps, and ∗ represents element-wise multiplication.

    dice loss:


It is first pre-trained with SynthText and then fine-tuned with a mixture of SynthText, the ICDAR 2013 dataset, the ICDAR 2015 dataset, the SCUT dataset, and the Total-Text dataset (2 : 2 : 2 : 1 : 1) for 250k iterations.

Rotation robustness

We test for rotation robustness by conducting experiments on the RoIC13 dataset.

![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-13-50-32.png) ![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-13-57-08.png) ![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-14-01-44.png)

Aspect ratio robustness

Aspect ratio robustness is verified by our experimental results on the MSRATD500 dataset, which contains many text lines of extreme aspect ratios.

![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-15-23-37.png) ![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-13-57-22.png)

Shape robustness

Robustness to shape variations is evaluated with end-to-end recognition performance on the Total-Text dataset, which contains text instances of various shapes, including horizontal, oriented, and curved shapes.

![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-13-58-03.png) ![](/yctimchang_note/Paper%20Explore/Mask%20TextSpotter%20v3%20Segmentation%20Proposal/2022-05-04-13-58-21.png)

Small text instance robustness

The challenges in the IC15 dataset mainly lie in the low-resolution and small text instances.


Although Mask TextSpotter v3 is far more robust to rotated text variations than the existing state-of-the-art scene text spotters, it still suffers minor performance disturbance with some extreme rotation angles, e.g. 90◦ , as shown in Fig. 4.3.